Thursday, December 15, 2011


I have so much to blog about I promise to write soon!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Joys of Christmas

The Christmas season is by far my favorite season not because of the presents I get, but because of the presents I get to give. At the moment my main focus is on getting the absolute perfect gift for my boyfriend, Dylan. He means so much to me and I want to give him something that shows that. So here's the idea that I came up with:

Dylan is cheap. Very cheap, but only when it comes to himself. He has absolutely no problem when it comes to spending money on his family or on me, but when it comes to himself, he refuses to buy anything. He has been really into longboarding and mentioned to me that he would like a new longboard someday. So I did my research and found the perfect one to get him. It is a bit on the expensive side, but it is everything he wants in a board and he is worth it. Now, when he sees it he is going to kill me because he hates me spending money on him as well, but I know how badly he wants it. 

Part two of his gift is more sentimental and meaningful. My idea was to make a CD of 20 songs that remind me of him. I took that idea and began to elaborate on it until I came up with this: Since I used to be really into graphic design I am going to design the entire CD. The front cover is going to be a picture of him and I vectored in Photoshop. The back cover is going to be blank except for in very simple font at the bottom center, the words "I love you." Then I am going to find a way to print "Dylan and Roxi Christmas 2011" straight onto the CD so it looks professional. And finally the best and by far most meaningful part: Instead of printing the lyrics in a booklet for inside the case, I am going to write a brief paragraph for each song explaining why it reminds me or makes me think of him and use that as the booklet inside of the CD case. I am going to design each page individually so that it looks professional and has meaning behind it at the same time.

So my next 20 posts are dedicated to Dylan. Each post will be a different song, with a different paragraph about him.

I hope y'all enjoy <3
Merry Christmas

Monday, November 21, 2011

Friends Are Families Which We Can Select

Let me start off by saying a bit about the important people in my life. I was never extremely close with anyone in my family. My dad and I were always too similar, and my mom and I were too different. I spent a lot of time in high school either in my bedroom, or hanging out with my friends away from my family. I have a sister, Lexie, who has made a lot of horrible choices in her life and for some reason doesn't want to have anything to do with me. 

My best friends in the entire world are the most misfit group of guys. Spencer, my best best friend, has the personality that can make anyone laugh. DJ, is the one who constantly teases me and picks on me, but would do anything for me. Drew is most like a big brother to me. He's always watching out for me. And Hogan is the funniest almost country boy in the world. He's not very good with women, but at least he tries! 

My roommates in college are some of the sweetest girls I have ever met. I have a very hard time trusting girls because I have been stabbed in the back way too many times. But I'm starting to get close to these girls. Abeer is the quiet one. I honestly don't think she has ever been angry at anything in her entire life! She is always, and I mean always happy. Then there is Sydney. She is the loud over-dramatic one that frustrates the shit out of me sometimes, but the apartment would not be the same without her. She has a great heart. And lastly there's Angel. Angel is the most like me and therefor we confide in each other much more than we do with the other girls. Its nice to have someone who has gone through similar things to me. 

And lastly there's my boyfriend Dylan. He is actually an ex-boyfriend from high school and we both went to separate colleges far away, but we have always had an undeniable connection. He is the most wonderful, intelligent, and handsome man I have ever met and frankly I don't understand why he is with me. In high school he was always the big popular football player, and I was the little dorky band nerd. But for some reason it was a match made in heaven.

These are the people who mean the most to me so it's better for me to introduce them now so no one gets confused later on. 

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Day In The Life

It’s me, just you’re typical 18 year old girl trying to figure out what new adventures are about to unfold in my life. I graduated high school with pretty mediocre grades, very few loyal friends, and a reputation that consisted of both very true and very untrue things. I have a boyfriend who I feel is way too good for me, and a best friend who is practically sprinting down a dark and dangerous path. As for myself, I’ve got big plans. I won’t bore you with the details but I will say that these next four to six years may very well be some of the most stressful of my life.
Scared Shitless,